ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center dispels common misconceptions related to poisons such as Swiffer WetJets, Poinsettias, Macadamia nuts and more….

FALSE: If eaten, poinsettias are deadly. Poinsettia ingestions typically induce only mild to moderate stomach upset. Keeping the plant out of reach to avoid stomach upset is a good idea, but pet owners don’t need to banish poinsettas from their homes for fear of a fatal exposure.

FALSE: Swiffer WetJets contain an ingredient similar to anti-freeze, and causes liver failure in dogs. When used according to label directions, the ingredients in Swiffer WetJets are safe around pets and will not cause liver damage at product concentrations.

FALSE: Greenies pet treats are deadly to dogs, causing intestinal blockage when swallowed. Greenies do not pose a higher risk for gastrointestinal tract obstruction compared with other edible chew products.

TRUE: Macadamia nuts cause dogs to lose control of their hind limbs. Dogs that consume 1 gram per pound body weight can develop lethargy, vomit, fever, loss of coordination, tremors and profound weakness in the hind limbs. Dogs are the only known species to have this reaction. Symptoms resolve ion 24-48 hours with minimal treatment.

FALSE: Salt can induce vomiting. Salt is not a reliable emetic and can lead to sodium ion poisoning if too much is ingested.

TRUE: Pennies are poisonous if ingested. Pennies minted after 1982 contain 99.2% zince, which can cause damage to the kidneys, liver, red blood cells and gastrointestinal tract, and are considered toxic if swallowed.

To learn more, visit the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center.

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